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The Habitat of the future Post Covid: Keys to the new consumption and global changes.

The current health crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic is causing some relevant changes in the social economic situation that households are experiencing. We are already in a period of transition towards a new normality, where new keys influencing consumption and ways of social relations are appearing and should not be ignored. We will have changes in our daily habits, and surely some changes in our way of working, shopping, travelling, and living will prevail over time:

Greater health care as well as an increased consumption for cleaning products and disinfectants. This will be a variable to be strongly considered by customers in search of new products, hotels, services, restaurants, … we will opt for cleaned spaces, with less capacity, for inland vacation spots, rural houses, more personal stays and, on the other hand, there will be a reduction in the capacity of large festivals, beaches, etc.

Commercial visits will be different, those necessary and with a confirmed appointment. There will be restrictions and regulations for visits.

There will be a search for closeness, trust, security. We will prefer to buy on nearby places we trust and know, to improve the economic relations between local companies and lower the thrust of globalization. Trips will be different, with safe transit corridors, more reliable hotel chains.

More local purchases in local businesses. Difficulties in customs merchandise controls and delays in international shipments will reinforce purchases and relationships between local companies. Perhaps to avoid crowds, avoid buying in large stores, hypermarkets and shopping centers.

Digitization. This factor, which had already been a general market trend, has had an exponential growth with the health crisis, which has led to an increase in purchases of tablets, pc, consoles of more than 42% compared to the same period last year. The great increase in online purchases is the result of the digitization of society. For several years now, there has been a progressive reduction in purchases in physical stores.

The impulse of remote working is going to mean investment opportunities for homes in new furniture and new workspaces that will have to be considered. We will not only set up the home office, but also the home school, with new desks, chairs, as well as in the new culinary hobbies in the kitchen space that many of us are discovering.

Spending more time at home makes us realize that we must invest more on new furniture, adaptation, and renovation (painting). Budgets for other economic areas (tourism, leisure, …) will be directed to furniture and decoration.

And of course, there will be appearing new opportunities in new products, such as antibacterial, there is a revolution in the development and certification of health protective products, antivirus, etc.

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