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Polyester white sealer styrene free

Valresa Coatings has improved its White Polyester Sealer, eliminating Styrene completely. A very common solvent in this type of product that is being heavily punished by public organisms, due to its high irritability in the skin and eyes besides being classified as category 1 because of its high toxicity to the ears.
In Valresa we are aware of this problem and we believe that the elimination of this component is crucial for the safety of the product reaching to maintain its characteristics of high coverage and leveling of the product, even in vertical applications, extending satisfactorily to form a homogeneous and smooth film. Picture ceded by Interlüebke, Cube collection. Therefore, Valresa’s Laboratory goal was to design a Polyester sealer base that would not smell or contaminate the environment, providing the workplaces with cleaner atmosphere and the maximum benefits that these products require.
Depending on the application system we use: Mixer, Conventional or Curtain, this sealer can be catalyzed in proportions of Accelerator and different Hardeners. For mixer and conventional equipment, the addition between 2.5% and 5% of accelerator 680001 and catalyst 690012 is recommended. For the application in curtain machine the recommended mixture is 4% of accelerator 680001 and catalyst 690011.

640026 White PO Sealer 0026 SE

No Styrene. / High Covering and Whiteness. / Good extensibility. / Streamless.

Imágen cedida por Interlüebke, colección Cube
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