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 Quick dry process

In valresa we want to give value to your business, that is way we develop a range of products of high performance which reduces global costs of varnishing, topcoat and packing process. Our objective managed has been trim times of drying, sanding and packed of furniture so we will be able to sand the sealer past 45 minutes of applying it and able to stack and pack the furniture finished past 3 hours of finishing topcoat application.

Product range:
Clear polyurethane sealer: 110030 Valpon F 030 2:1
Clear polyurethane topcoat: 120170 Valpon A 170 Rapid SMT 2:1 / 120171 Valpon A 171 Rapid MT 2:1 / 120173 Valpon A 173 Rapid SM 2:1 / 120174 Valpon A 174 Rapid ST 2:1
Hardener for sealers and topcoats: 190023 Valpon E 023

Advice about process:
Mixture proportion is 2:1, add until a 10% of solvent, 510101 in winter and 520204 in summer (both sealer and topcoat). Sealer past an hour can be sanded with a sanding band or manual machine; after repainting with the topcoat you can stack it past 3 hours and pieces, won´t get sticked or marked.
It works as a normal polyurethane, having into account that mixture life is short.
Quantity to apply: in a sealer 150 to 170 g/m and in a topcoat 120 to 140 g/m, if we want to work very quickly is important to don´t apply lots of layer.

Recommendations: As it dries very quickly, if layer is thick we risk to piojillo appearing and if we add solvent slowly it isn´t so quick if solvent remains occluded, the sealer clogs and can be veiled and lack of transparency. There is need of care about application conditions to be able to work quickly. If it is cold or lot of humedity, drying slows.

If we apply lot of layer (especially in the sealer), drying is slower and there is a possibility of veiled.
If whilst drying there is a big air current, it can dry really quick in surface and create boiled.
You should not add solvent very retardante as that delays the drying.

Reduction in process times./ Less hour/man cost per process./ Quickness of service of delivery to customers./ Reduction of finished product stock./ High quality of raw materials.

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