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How to improve the resistance of wood and the durability of wood on outdoors.

Most woods commonly used on outdoor joinery, especially conifers, are classified as low resistant to outdoor wood or as low natural durability woods, which means an easy degradation of wood with the pass of time.

To improve the natural resistance of woods, Valresa Coatings have developed a wide range of water-based varnishes basing on the highest technologies to guarantee a longer durability and assure the stability of constructive elements outdoor.

Beyond the varnishing process, there are more variables to consider on the wood protection process to ensure the highest durability of woods on outdoors such as: wood preservation, wood drying, wood storage, wood sanding or the type of joinery but, as we said before, enhancing the beauty of wood and maximize its durability can be achieved by choosing the best coating cycle.

Our outdoor water-based coatings have been submitted to the highest standard and performance tests, including artificial aging and natural aging according to norm UNE EN ISO 927, overcoming any challenge of each of the tests and getting considered as very best processes for outdoor finishing.

This are the processes / products certified and submitted to the tests:

70040X Esfera Outdoor Prmier 40X “color”

70028X Esfera Outdoor topcoat 28X Tixo “gloss level”

70023X Esfera Outdoor C Primer 23X “color”

70029X Esfera Outdoor topcoat 29X Tixo “gloss level”

700311 Esfera Primer 311 Outdoor white

700316 Esfera Topcoat 316 White Thixo MT

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