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Paint or varnish melamine

Actual trend in habitat sector and more concretly in furniture production, is the mixture of different materials or raw materials in a same constructive element, moving in big measures our work. Since some years they are being imposed each time more coexistence of different materials such as glass, plastic, PVC and metals of different natures in a same furniture covering expectatives of designers and final consumers. These trends are imposed as a differentation search by the manufacturer and sometimes as a economic saving in it´s costs. An example of saving in product costs is the utilization of white melamine boards when the furniture design is a pigmented smooth or matt textured color.

In this case, the manufacturer only has to sand the melamine and apply a direct topcoat, this way with a manipulation the furniture is ready to be served. But for having an optimum result, you must use adequate products as melamine boards both decoratives simulating different wood types and flat colors, are composed by a series of papers coated by a resin or varnish through a temperature and pressure process providing a hard and impermeable surface.
This is th reason, why it is difficult paint or varnish melamine, when you want to change topcoat aspect with the intention of improving it. Either by decorative or esthetic reasons or simply to give a more natural sensation of furniture topcoat.
Past more than 20 years developing and applying paint and varnishes to apply over melamine we can tell you that as it is a coating as any other we will always improve adherence if we sand a bit melamine before applying varnish. It is the same case that when we sand between layers of varnish or paint, between other things such as match imperfections, we do it to improve adherence between layers applied.
We invite you to discover and check it yourself, that it is a useful solution to new products produced in melamine with the objective of managing a professional topcoat with maximum guarantees.
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