With the light “Nit” by CrousCalogero for Estiluz, and “Tria” by Bendita Gloria for Mobles 114, the artists are making a foray into communicative symbolism using repetition as communicate, present in a variety of objects from the industrial age that generate backdrops with significant features with the regular or irregular linear crisscrossing. It is used to draw a truly subtle texture that isolates itself from its surroundings and strengthens its identifiable existence, distancing itself from the embellishment of surfaces or hiding surface defects in materials with coatings.

In parallel to what was post-modern décor, both concepts make use of a more emotional, private, almost automatic expression, conceived as a continuous, endless act, as the free circulation of ideas. The motivation behind the furnishings could take on a dialectic and anti-functionalist role, in the same vein as linguistic association.